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Bo Jiu knew her excuses were no longer useful at this point.

The flush on her face was growing because of Qin Mo and even the tips of her ears were starting to heat up.

Then the Almighty spoke near her ears, "In the past, were you also referring to them when you said you were still growing?"

Bo Jiu no longer wished to speak since she wasn't his match.

Her eyes dimmed, as she tried to open the car door.

When he caught her movement, he didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips onto hers violently, and without a doubt, the kiss was both fiery and full of madness.

Bo Jiu opened her mouth to speak, but was pressed beneath him and his burning tongue entangled with hers.

Everything seemed to be sucked out of her mind, leaving an empty void.

With his breath infiltrating, it crumpled her resolve.

The smell of tobacco and the fragrance of candy lingered between his lips.