Sending Candies

He glanced around. "If they are Xiangnan, what are your chances at winning?"

No one replied.

After a second, someone shifted the magazine in front of his face, exposing a dashing yet beautiful appearance with hair longer than a girl. "A hundred percent."

The manager broke into a smile and his eyes lit up. "Alright, that is the spirit we need. I'll be discussing with the investors and the support side…"

Before the manager could finish his sentence, Hoshino stood up, a hand stuffed into his pocket as he headed for the door. But before he left, he threw a bomb at them. "If Xiangnan isn't the champion of the National League, our chances won't be a hundred percent."

With that, he strolled out of the meeting room while the manager opened his eyes wide. "What do you mean? What does Hoshino mean?"

"He meant that literally." The beauty smiled while he turned to his other teammate. "Did your vice-captain watch Supreme Alliance's match yesterday?"