Jiu and Almighty Qin in a Double Match

The real competition had begun, was the thought in everyone's mind.

Yin Wuyao still had a cigarette dangling from his lips. Dressed in fully black battle gear, he walked towards the 1v1 seat, acting as replacement for Yun Hu.

The familiar music started blasting from the speakers and both contestants wore their headset.

It was going to be a tough match.

The closer the contestants were in terms of their skills, the longer the duration of the match would be.

After all these times, there were no longer anybody who thought of Yin Wuyao as too old or ill-suited for this sport.

The shoutcasters' introductions were no longer as ostentatious as when they had first entered.

At this point, everyone had to admit that Supreme Alliance wasn't weak, but that didn't mean it would be an easy victory because their opponent wasn't weak either.