Sending Candies

Manager Li didn't understand why they were concerned about the cleaners, but since Young Master Qin wanted to know, it was probably indeed something to be concerned about.

He immediately made a call to the Department of Human Resources.

"Young Master Qin, this is the information for the cleaners in charge of the toilets in this club. There are a total of twenty of them working in two shifts. They aren't very well educated and aren't considered very young, with some of them being in the middle age range. Generally, they come from the neighboring cities around Jiang City. Young Master Qin, if you wish to seek them out, I can call them all back right now." Manager Li was prepared to get them to come here.

"That's not necessary." Qin Mo lowered his head as he flipped open the documents, his long slender fingers gliding across the papers, the sharp curve of his jaw elegant and dashing. "Do you know where exactly they stay?"