
The Japanese? The team Hoshino belonged to?

"Alright, I'll be there in a while." Bo Jiu stood up. After doing a hundred frog jumps, her legs weren't as nimble as before. She massaged her legs. Instead of agreeing, she asked, "Is Brother Mo there?"

Feng Yi glanced up at Qin Mo.

Bo Jiu paused when she heard a faint voice asking from the other end of the call, "Who are you talking to?"

She immediately hung up from guilt.

When Feng Yi heard the line going dead, he turned to look Qin Mo in the eyes. They were so deep they didn't seem to have an end.

With Boss Qin's intelligence, he must have guessed who it was. But somehow…

Boss Qin lowered his head to adjust his sleeve.

Feng Yi coughed lightly. "It's Little Spade, we have to gather everyone since the Japanese are here."

Qin Mo didn't comment.

As a manager that was well aware of his team members, Feng Yi added, "Little Spade said he would be here in a while."