Almighty Qin Is Here

Director Huang diverted his gaze. When he saw the livestream on his phone, his eyes widened in shock. He snatched the phone over, the words Z reflecting in his pupils!

Smith was still looking at Rao Rong, trying to dig something from him when the interrogation room door was pushed open. "I have something you need to see." Director Huang stood by the door.

Smith frowned, a chill ran through him as he bolted upright. "That's impossible."

"The real Z is in the city center right now and judging from the IP address, he should be in the mall." In contrast to Smith's exaggerated reaction, Director Huang was considered much calmer. "We have to take action right now."

Smith listened to the livestream and when he heard the words, a vein popped out from his temples. "It really is him! Dammit!"