
"Boss." The special forces soldier walked over, sensing the abnormality in his Young Master.

The girl was frightened, she didn't understand what Almighty Qin had said and the thought made her increasingly worried. She started to sob.

Qin Mo knelt down, glancing at the timebomb.

"Boss, this model isn't easy to denote and once ignited, it will affect the surrounding roads. Should we wait till we have the professional equipment?"

There wasn't enough time. "Give me the military knife." Qin Mo reached out and added, "And leave."

He was going to detonate the bomb?

The soldier didn't move, he knew of his boss's ability but it was too dangerous, he couldn't let his boss stay here alone.

Qin Mo glanced up, his voice calm. "Leave."

"Boss, I'll do it," the soldier replied.

Qin Mo glanced up at him. "Who do you think can detonate this faster?"

The soldier remained silent.