
Because there are many accomplices like your daughter.

That last sentence sent a wave of shock through her.

She wasn't well educated. In the past, she had blamed her poor education for her daughter to have ended up in such a state.

But she had seen the video of the victim's mother.

She seemed to be of a similar background as her.

There were many people who were questioning her motives, blaming it on greed.

But they were both mothers. She understood. She wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing her poor daughter had been hurt but the perpetrators had yet to be punished.

That aside, she couldn't believe her daughter would protect someone like the plagiarist. Even until this moment, she still maintained her stance even though everything was clear. She wanted to help anyone she yearned to, disregarding the facts. Disregarding the people that were hurt.

When had she instilled such values in her daughter?