
With a sudden movement, her lips were suddenly on his face. The tingling coolness sent a shock wave through her.

Qin Mo hadn't expected it as well, his waist freezing mid action.

In that instant, the air stilled and Bo Jiu could hear her heartbeat. She hadn't gotten a good test.

Qin Mo turned, his eyes dark as the night sky, shining from reflected light. "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Bo Jiu felt a need to explain herself. "It was an accident."

Qin Mo 's left hand went onto the blanket, seemingly unbothered. "An accident that took so long?" He exposed her readily.

Wasn't it just a little longer? Bo Jiu chuckled. "Since it was already there… I took the liberty to stay a little longer."

"Is that so?" Qin Mo straightened, his gaze carrying an adventurous spirit.

Bo Jiu knew he wasn't convinced but the kiss had indeed been an accident. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been such a light touch. That was such a…