I Just Like You

Bo Jiu paused, the cooling sensation on her lips silencing her.

He pinched her chin, his body pressing against her. It was the same tobacco and herb scent but much lighter than before.

She tilted her head while he reached his hand out and circled her short black hair, pressing onto the crown of her head.

Her tongue tread cautiously, the kiss tender and exquisite. She panted breathlessly, a numbing sensation spreading through and clearing her mind off all thoughts.

Until it was all over. Her clothes were pulled up high, an immense heat pressing against her.

He must have heard her.

Qin Mo stopped, chuckling deeply. "Comfortable?"

Bo Jiu didn't speak and watched him. Somehow, being dressed in his military uniform and doing such things seemed blasphemous. She wanted to move but was pressed back into his arms, the air around him cold. "Are you trying to drive me crazy? Close your eyes and sleep, or I can toss you out right now."