Private Hand Signal

"Boss, they are here!" One of the criminals inside the bus shifted to the side, looking out the vehicle.

The injured criminal couldn't turn on his side, his eyes facing the top of the vehicle. "Check if he's an imposter."

"Imposter?" the man asked, clearly slow from the situation. Everyone was under the same immense pressure, both the criminals being surrounded and the police that surrounded them.

"A police imposter." The injured criminal narrowed his eyes. "If he is an imposter, kill him and use a child to threaten them."

"Alright." The criminal walked forward.

"Wait a minute, look if there are any special force soldiers around."

"Boss, I checked, there aren't any special force soldiers but there are many armed police officers. They seem determined to stop us."

"It'll be fine, watch the surroundings and once you catch any heads, retreat back into the car."
