
At this moment, someone appeared, his unique voice floating over before his face could be seen. "Yaoyao, how long are you going to make us wait? Hurry over." Coco walked over in his uniform and a scarf wrapped around his neck to ward off the winter cold. The added accessory emphasized his beautiful features.

Initially, Coco had intended to rush her but when he saw the crowd, he paused and headed over with an arched brow, seemingly trying to ask what the situation was.

Xue Yaoyao reacted quickly, clenching on to his timely rescue. She reached out and grabbed his hand. "Did you wait long?" That was how they interacted within the team, just like siblings.

"Obviously, I'm about to die from hunger. Can't you hear my stomach growling?" Coco pouted. His behavior was not irritable. Instead, it had an adorable boyish charm. "But I made sure they had to wait for you, they're all outside right now."