
The more they wanted to accomplish something, the more urgent it became over time.

But Bo Jiu didn't look to be in a rush at all, especially the way she slung her bag over her shoulders. When she stood up from her chair, she tilted her head, her face slightly cold and indifferent, attracting their attention.

"Hi." One of the girls walked over.

Bo Jiu recognized her as the leader of the girls. "Do you want to join our group?"

"Group?" Bo Jiu paused, her bag still slung over her shoulders. Very slowly, she arched one of her brows. "What group?"

"A group for our class to discuss internal affairs and to avoid the teacher's attention when we engage in activities."

Bo Jiu's gaze deepened into a beautiful shade of black. "Sounds interesting."

"Of course, it's interesting. What do you think? Are you joining?" the girl asked.

Naturally, Bo Jiu took out her phone.