
Prince stilled while Qin Mo glanced up, signaling for him to pick up the call. Prince accepted the call.

Kawang's laughter came through, which seemed gentle and elegant. "I'm really sorry, my side received news that someone leaked our meeting location. I'm still looking into who leaked the news."

Leaked? How was that possible?

Prince wanted to question it but Qin Mo moved before he could react, signaling for him to cancel the meeting. Cancel?

Prince wasn't sure if he had understood the signal correctly but when he saw his boss's face, he understood what he had to say. "Since there's an issue, let's put off the meeting. Find whoever leaked the information and kill him. My connections are still in place. If someone has indeed been informed of the meeting, I'm the unlucky one. My brother definitely won't forgive me. He's beside me right now and was lecturing me just seconds ago, calling me dumb."