
It wasn't until Lin Feng saw Grandfather Butler that he was convinced that someone could roast an entire lamb at home.

The entire group stiffened slightly when they saw him at the door; Rao Rong in particular. He froze while showing his originally suave stance. After taking a moment, he apologized to the old man in English. After having turned, he asked Lin Feng, "Are you sure we're at the right house?"

"109, it's this unit." Lin Feng was doubtful as well. Why had a British Grandfather opened the door? Should he send Little Spade another message to clarify?

He reached for his phone, prepared to send her a text when the old man dressed in a suit spoke politely, his mannerism akin to a nobleman, "Young Lord is debugging the network, please come in."

Hearing the old man speaking in perfect Chinese, Rao Rong scratched his nose in embarrassment.