Sweet Punishment

When the Almighty brought her to their room, Bo Jiu knew he was going to rake up the debts. Flower Lin was indeed a burden.

Rather than remaining passive, however, she decided to gain the upper hand by striking first. After all, this had always been Bo Jiu's style.

The moment they entered the room, she started off with a sincere expression. "I can explain."

"Oh?" Qin Mo glanced at her, spinning a poker card with his fingers. He tossed the poker card at the coffee table and leaned back calmly.

Bo Jiu laughed. "I'm a girl."

"Mmh?" Qin Mo arched his brows, prepared for her to start her performance.

Bo Jiu didn't feel respected by his attitude. Hence, she reached out and lifted his face before continuing, "Ever since I was young, Grandfather Butler taught me to be a lady and to act with restraint."

Qin Mo laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Bo Jiu arched a brow.