
On the other side, after his discussion, Qin Mo walked back to the office and glanced at the empty black leather business sofa. He turned his face. His slender fingers were pulling his tie, his voice emotionless. "Where is she?"

Internally, Qin Mo's assistant knew this was bad since Young Master Jiu had told him to watch after Young Master Jiu – no scratch that, it was Young Mistress Jiu.

"She was here a while ago," the secretary who had been bringing in tea and snacks the entire afternoon spoke meekly, holding her breath.

The temperature in the office started to drop. Just then, Bo Jiu pushed open the door and arched her brow. "Brother Mo, you're done with work?"

"Mmh," Qin Mo replied faintly before he tossed the tie he had removed onto his table and walked forward to hold her hand. "Settle everything else later."

With that, he brought her downstairs.