Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo

University was undoubtedly the safest place because Mr. Bo's identity now wouldn't cause any suspicion – especially when he sat on the stairs with the little tiger as they waited for Mrs. Bo to pick them up.

The old and the young were both sucking a packet of yogurt. The little tiger was wagging her tail. "Dad, I want to eat chicken wings."

"Lord Jiu, you need to change your habit of eating the moment you wake up." Mr. Bo yawned and continued lazily, "Later, you will roll around and ask my Mrs. Bo to bring you out to eat."

The little tiger felt that she needed to educate this adult. "Dad, I'm already five years old, not one year old. It will be too shameless for me to roll around and act cute."

"What is your suggestion then?" Mr. Bo asked casually. "Mrs. Bo said that she won't let you eat unhealthy snacks."

The little tiger thought carefully for a moment. "I think I will still roll around."