
The weather at the start of April was extremely suitable for a date. Jiang City wasn't so cold now; you just needed to wear a jacket.

Luoluo's attire became more refreshing. Her long hair flowed behind her like silk. Her appearance was outstanding so the moment she entered the cafe, she attracted everyone's gaze.

She glanced sideways and pulled up her sleeves. After looking around the cafe, she planned to send a message to the other person to ask him where he was. Before she could do that though, someone raised his hand and helped her hold her bag that was about fall. He smiled and seemed a little shy as he said, "Goddess Luo."

Luoluo paused and looked at that person. He was obviously younger than her. His face was very pleasant to look at. When he smiled, she could see his two canine teeth protruding out. Lin Feng had this kind of friend?

"The seat on the left," the person spoke again. Then he placed his hand in his pocket.