The Sudden Flirt

Lin Feng coughed at the sudden flirt. "You don't have to tell me that I'm handsome."

Yun Hu smiled and did not speak any more but his eyes remained on his face.

Lin Feng turned his head. There was a faint flush behind his ears. "After meeting her tomorrow, I will tell manager Feng that I plan to retire within these two days. In the future, I will be running the company and attending classes at school concurrently, so I won't have time to go back to the team. But I am still very happy. At least I waited until after the recruitment. When I saw Little Mo Bei, it seemed as though I was seeing the past Luoluo, Little Spade, and Captain. Talent really exists and Supreme Alliance probably wouldn't just fall apart, right?" Towards the end, Lin Feng lowered his head, his black hair falling forward to cover his eyes.