A Slap In The Face, Xiao And Luo

This was indeed a tower kill.

The second Bo Jiu finished speaking. The assassin hiding in the bushes on the top lane had already started rushing to this side.

From God's perspective, they could clearly see that this was a sign to attack.

When the troops came, the tank from the opposite team started a team battle using this opportunity.

After the assassin caught up with the tank and the ADC started dealing damage from the back, Mo Bei might really be in a dangerous position. This was what the soundcaster outside was saying.

However, the next second, the soundcaster suddenly got excited. "Wait! He dodged the attack! Orbwalk! Another orbwalk! Oh my god, two snake-shaped orbwalk. Is this the Z-turn? Beautiful!"

The screen got pulled up and the public was able to see what was happening in the game clearly.

Bey used her blade to block her opponent's ultimate attack. Then, she turned around and evaded the next critical hit.