Spade Z?

The three trainees exchanged glances with each other when they succeeded. They felt even more strongly that their method was right.

Coco was really a little angry. He even felt that in the future, if this kind of person entered the Supreme Alliance, they should just dismiss the team.

When this thought flashed past his mind Coco was stunned. That was because, in the past, he never had such a thought. No matter what difficulties he met, he wanted to persevere.

Thinking about it carefully. When Lin Feng officially announced his retirement, that was when this thought came into his mind.

The Supreme Alliance was liked by many people. They were able to endure all the scoldings but they couldn't handle the love. Being liked meant that you mustn't disappoint them. That is why you restrict yourself. That was why you couldn't say some things. This was the only way to maintain the beautiful image people have of you in their hearts.