
Zhao Sanpang was certain he was fed dog food.

"No, Captain, even if you don't have the intention of breaking her in …"

Xiao Jing didn't wait till he was done. "I'm going to get Luoluo, are you going to continue wasting my time or are you going to hold up the act?"

"F*ck, do you have to ask?!" Zhao Sanpang extinguished his cigarette. "I'm best at that. Captain, you shouldn't have allowed Luoluo to leave back then. Why are you doing this, how long has it been? It has only been one day, just one day and you're going to get her back, you…"

"Why do you want to get Sister Luoluo back? Did I not do enough?" The new mid laner followed them when she saw them leave the training room together but she hadn't expected to hear that conversation. "Sister Luoluo has retired and hence, wouldn't be suited to remain in the team."