
Before You Sixin could do anything Hoshino countered.

You Sixin narrowed his eyes and said. "Aren't you going to abide by your promise to be my shadow? You're not going to let me touch you?"

"You're drunk enough to not want your hands anymore?" Hoshino leaned beside his ears when he said that.

You Sixin glanced down. Because of his intoxication, his strength was a little weaker than normal. "Why? Are you really going to break my wrist if I took action?"

"I wouldn't." Hoshino watched the approaching face, his gaze the same as always.

These two words made You Sixin bury his face into the pillow. "Then let go. It seems like you have underestimated your influence on me, if you continue to speak to me by my ear, I'm going to have a reaction, heh."

That heh made Hoshino realise something, he wasn't kidding, he was being honest. He frowned unconsciously, and loosened his hand. He stood up.