
Where did Lou Luo find this person?

Her friends knew that she picked him up on the streets.

When were there high-quality, handsome young men waiting to be picked up on the streets?

These ladies were the hardest to fool in their industry.

If they were still young, they would probably believe that this man was picked up from the streets. But, at their age, they were very logical.

Who on earth was this 'little puppy'? This was the first thought in their minds.

He bought a scarf for everyone. Some little boyfriends wouldn't have thought of this at all.

In the past, when they heard Lou Luo telling them about the presence of this 'little puppy', they did suspect that he was after Lou Luo's money.

After all, they had seen too much reality and this was what happened most of the time, but now, they felt uncertain.

It was because of the aura this person had.