My Daughter Likes To Compete With Me

"Her?" Bo Yin's gaze turned dark. There was an unnoticeable black mist in his eyes. "She loves to compete with me for your attention. She was very naughty when she's young. She always interferes with the harmony of our relationship."

Lou Luo had the aura of a businesswoman so when she raised her eyebrows after hearing this, she looked cold and beautiful. "Mr. Bo, are you talking bad about our daughter in front of me?"

Bo Yin smiled and said slowly, "As expected, I shouldn't have done that."

"Shouldn't have done what?" Lou Luo glanced sideways at him.

Bo Yin held the black umbrella with his slender and fair fingers. He looked gentlemanly and mysterious as he stood on the street. The lights of the entire city bloomed behind him. He didn't seem to belong to this world. After all, who would hold a black umbrella in the middle of the night?

He lifted the edge of his lips and a devilish aura could be felt. "I shouldn't have let you meet her."