YC Exists and Dies With Her (1)

The people who passed by Ji Yi were all YC employees; their gazes always seemed to linger on her.

Ji Yi vaguely heard one of the female employees, who brushed past her, whisper into the ear of another lady, "It's her. You see the one with the cast on her leg? That's Ji Yi."

After some time, people arrived to sit at the table behind Ji Yi.

Various men and women sat there, speaking quite loudly. Ji Yi could hear everything with complete clarity. From their words, she sensed that their relationships were good and they sounded mutually sarcastic.

Maybe they hadn't noticed her or maybe they hadn't recognized her from the back, but this loud group of people suddenly started to talk about her.

"Did you guys hear? Director Lin was fired earlier this afternoon."

"I heard a bit about it. Do you know specifically how it happened?"