You Are The Light. You Are Also The Rest Of My Life. (24)

Ji Yi replied to Zhang Sao with a smile. "Take care."

After Zhang Sao left, Ji Yi paced around the living room for a while. Seeing how it was just about time, she walked into the kitchen and started to get dinner ready.


He Jichen knew full well that the past was the past and Ji Yi wrote this letter many years ago. He had no need to mind, nor a need to care.

But most of the time, while logic was simple and anyone could understand it, it was often difficult to actually follow it rationally.

Because he was in love, far too deeply in love, he minded and he also cared.

He Jichen also knew that reading this letter and discovering Ji Yi's devoted love for his older brother, He Yuguang, made him a little envious, that's all.

Besides, in the past few years, he had been sufficiently jealous of He Yuguang, so he was long accustomed to this. After a while, the pain in his heart disappeared.