They Have a Child

Ji Qiongxin quickly snapped out of her trance and asked carefully, "Bixue, do you not know about it yet?"

"What about?"

Ji Qiongxin finally realized and smiled. She was so excited about it just now, but her daughter-in-law actually had no idea of what she was excited about. "Bixue, I've heard from Ling Nanchen that you might be pregnant."

"Ah!" To this sudden information, Yun Bixue really couldn't catch herself in a short while.

Her eyes widened, and her hand that was holding the cell phone trembled. She looked down on her stomach as she gently placed a hand on it.

When her hand was above her stomach, Yun Bixue pictured having her own child with Xie Limo, and in a short while, complicated feelings surged up.

But she knew that she was elated at the news. As she touched her stomach, her expression alternated between a loving and gentle one.

And that brilliance from her was so moving.