Chaos Corruption


Mage shook his head and said nothing else, appearing intent on maintaining his silence. However, as Priest cajoled him along with his status captain, the spellcaster feebly state his own inference. "To be frank, team leader, you must have not noticed the genealogy those elves carved on the Mother Lifetree… those elves have spanned more than thirty generations."

"Even if we count one generation of humans as twenty years, that's at most six hundred years… in comparison normal elves only procreate at one or two hundred years old. Things are different here, however, so let's use the standard of eighty years for single generation… thirty generation would therefore mean twenty-four hundred years."

Mage left things at that. He obviously is not sure what was going on either… although he did leave something out as well.

The genealogy recorded of those thirtyish generations of elves is only those from the 'Overwatch' Tower.