Zombie Note (33)

Two months later…

Xu Shuo handed two glass bottles filled with green liquid to Ye Ji'an.

Ye Ji'an was excited. "Is this… the antidote?"

He knew that Xu Shuo could definitely figure out the antidote.


This single word instantly killed Ye Ji'an's enthusiasm. "Then… what's this?"

"Something that can strengthen the powers of X-men." Xu Shuo yawned lazily.

Startled a little, Ye Ji'an couldn't help but hold the glass bottles tightly in his hands.

In the past two months, the X-men's strength had been greatly improved, but the zombies evolved even faster than them.

"When can you produce the antidote?" Ye Ji'an was still very concerned about this issue.

As long as they had an antidote, the zombies would cease to exist…

"I'm already working on it. I can help you with the antidote, but you have to promise me something."

Ye Ji'an's mood soared again. "Just tell me, what's your condition?"