Dirt on Internet Celebrity (26)

Since his family didn't allow him to look after Majesty anymore, Jiang Wang shamelessly sent Majesty to Ming Shu again.

As compensation, he gave her many boxes of dried fish.

He willingly gave them to her because he was able to enter Ming Shu's house with a valid reason now.

It meant that he was making progress.

"Su Man." Jiang Wang squeezed onto the sofa.

Ming Shu guarded her dried fish and shrunk into a corner of the sofa. She looked at Jiang Wang with vigilance.

Why are you coming near me?

Are you planning to grab my fish?

Jiang Wang was speechless. Who wants your cat food…

"You have nothing much to do recently, right?" Jiang Wang asked.

Ming Shu thought for a while. Besides having to shoot some promotional photos for Qiao Yu, she was free.

"Why?" Even though I have nothing to do, I am still very busy.