Master Of Photography (6)

Su Nanfeng really just wanted to ask Ming Shu some things with regards to photography. For the sake of the food, Ming Shu answered everything that she could. If she didn't know the answer, she would talk some nonsense.

It was not her business whether Su Nanfeng believed her or not.

They exchanged numbers and then he sent her to her apartment out of politeness.

Ming Shu returned to her apartment. There seemed to be someone in her roommate's room. She could hear different voices.

The living room was still a mess. It seemed even dirtier than before.

Ming Shu didn't care. She went directly to her own room.

However, when she came back, she was shocked. The snacks that she bought were lesser. By half.


Someone dared to steal my snacks!!

She locked the door when she went out and when she entered just now, the lock was working just fine. This meant that the person didn't break the lock to steal her snacks.