Wei Ran Return Wind (7)

W: Let her be, I'll go eat the turtle first.

Zhang Mu: ???

Turtle? What turtle?

Zhang Mu: Shit, are you going to eat Gold Ingot?

Zhang Mu knew the Host had raised a turtle and named it Gold Ingot.

Gold Ingot was a common Brazilian turtle. The host bought it and then it somehow grew this big.

Ming Shu picked the crawling Gold Ingot up from the ground and threw it into its nest. The heat was on in the house and the temperature was 26 degrees, so Gold Ingot never hibernated but was alive and kicking all day long.

Ming Shu took two photos and posted on Weibo, asking how to cook the turtle.

Day Day Down: Guru, Gold Ingot is so cute, why do you want to eat it?

I Can Grow Big and Small: Ying ying ying, Guru, you haven't posted Gold Ingot's photos in so long, but now you want to eat it?

Little Fan of Wei Ran The Wind: Gold Ingot is so cute, hahaha, guru, you're joking again.