I Thought You Would Call Me An Idiot (1)

An Xiaxia shuddered at his words and held tightly onto him right away.

Sheng Yize went up to the director and gave a promise with an expressionless face. "Sorry for causing all this trouble. I'll handle it."

The director nodded and said gently, "Don't worry too much about it. Your scenes are finished for today. You can clock off early."

Sheng Yize bid him farewell and went away carrying An Xiaxia in his arms.

Before they left, the director darted a look at the girl in his arms and sighed despite himself.

In "The Tale of the Banished Immortal," the teenager Yehuan was the favored child and the son whom the Celestial Emperor was most proud of.

However, later in the drama, Yehuan succumbed to his love for a woman, leading him to kill gods and demons alike and to wipe out the netherworld. Eventually, Immortal Changrong had to suppress him and lock him up in Sky-Reaching Tower to put everything right.