The Real Rong Che (2)

A hush fell over the ward. Even Li Fanxing had stopped crying and looked up, eyeing An Xiaxia as if she was looking at an idiot.

Chi Yuanfeng's mouth fell open, He Jiayu looked shocked, while Rong Che actually smiled a little.

She was bold enough to compare Sheng Yize with a pig. This girl was always a pleasant surprise to him!

An Xiaxia realized she had said something inappropriate and flushed. She rubbed her head embarrassedly. "Sorry about that… but there really is a restaurant which makes excellent trotters nearby!"

The corner of Sheng Yize's mouth twitched. Just as everyone thought he was going to lose his temper, he asked calmly, "What flavors do they have?"

Huh? The others were dumbfounded.

Even An Xiaxia took a while to digest the question. She then stammered, "There's spiced trotters… hot and spicy trotters… pepper and salt trotters, oh, and New Orleans trotters!"

"I'll take one of each," said Sheng Yize indifferently.