Be My Girlfriend (2)

Qi Yanxi didn't expect her to get angry and the fist landed squarely on him.

With her puny strength, it was by no means painful. However, he stumbled back deliberately, fell to the ground, and put on a miserable face. "Ah! You're killing me. Little Dummy Xia, you're heartless…"

The surrounding girls drew in their breaths and An Xiaxia was dumbfounded herself.

The fellow was stronger than a bull. How could he fall down at her strike?

Dumbfounded as she was, An Xiaxia's first reaction was still to help him up. However, Qi Yanxi took her hand and yanked her into his arms.

"Hey, you people, turn the other way now. One more look and you're expelled!" Qi Yanxi ordered grumpily, meaning every word he said. The others dared not question him and everyone turned to face the other way.

"Mhm…" An Xiaxia struggled in his arms. The faint smell of sweat and the clean smell of soap coming from the teenager filled her nostrils.