Qixia vs Chenjiang (3)

He had always been one of those people who would give it his all when he made up his mind about something — he was like that in showbiz and he was doing the same in this game.

An Xiaxia was so anxious that one could almost see her grievances materialize out of her head.

Su Niannian watched her in bewilderment, then followed the direction of her eyes.

Something dawned on her a couple of seconds later.

Wow, that was so romantic! Was this one of those stories where a fan fell in love with an idol, the idol competed in a game for the fan, and the two got to kiss and make out after the idol won the game?

The queen of headcanons Su Niannian said goodbye to An Xiaxia happily and trotted back to her own team.

The game had been going on for ten minutes and the two teams were almost evenly matched.