You Can Have One Bite And No More

He skillfully stopped mid-sentence.

An Xiaxia jabbed the tips of her index fingers together, looking guilty. Actually… she had been about to go home and play some video games.

A pair of big hands then gently held hers and Sheng Yize said with a straight face, "Didn't you say you wanted to watch a movie? Let's go to one, then."

The look on An Xiaxia's face changed to one of utter disbelief!

Sheng Yize remembered her spur-of-the-moment suggestion from the other day!

And he was going to make it come true!

Leading the baffled little woman into the car, Sheng Yize asked the driver to take them to the nearest shopping mall.

Sheng Yize had a baseball cap and a scarf on to prevent passers-by from recognizing him. Most of his handsome face was covered up and to anyone else, he was just some cute guy with a nice figure. No one would associate him with the captain of Starry Night.