Sheng Yize's "Punishment" (3)

His furrowed his brow and his face was emotionlessly cold. Only when he shifted his eyes back to An Xiaxia did his face soften a little again.

"I'm certainly happy to consider the option if you want me to take responsibility for what I did to you…" The smile on Sheng Yize's face reminded one of a cunning fox.

An Xiaxia felt like crying a river. "Sheng Yize… Are you done making fun of me yet?! No, no, no, this cannot be real. I must be dreaming…"

She didn't want to accept the fact that Sheng Yize had stolen a kiss from her again!

Sheng Yize seemed interested at her reaction and moved closer. "Why do you think it's a dream? Don't tell me you've had naughty dreams about you and me? Tsk, tsk, An Xiaxia, I never saw you as that sort of person…"

An Xiaxia blushed and said hastily, "I didn't! Why did you kiss me if it wasn't a dream? Sheng Yize, you pervert! Mhm… not again…"