You're Very Fierce for a Flat-Chested Girl

"Ohohoho, I didn't kiss anyone, then! I'm a big girl now. I don't go into drunken fits like I used to!" An Xiaxia forced out a chuckle.

Caw, caw, caw

After a while, she realized her laughter, which was worse than crying, was the only sound resonating in the room.

Shit! Don't tell me I actually kissed someone!

Who could it be, then?

She began to scan the room —

Chi Yuanfeng was eating a stuffed bun and his cheeks were puffed up with the food in his mouth, which suited his adorkable personality perfectly. Sensing her eyes, he gave her an alluring smile, which made her fangirl heart thump vigorously.

Could it be Chi Yuanfeng?

He Jiayu sipped his porridge unhurriedly in his usual gentle and elegant manner. His smile always reminded her of a spring breeze and cheered her up. An Xiaxia lost herself in that smile.

Could it be He Jiayu?

Her eyes shifted and landed on Sheng Yize involuntarily.