Christmas Ball (1)

An Xiaxia felt her cheeks heat up. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Sheng Yize blinked. "You don't? Here, take a bite. Then you'll have to stop being angry."

He offered his hand to An Xiaxia. His well-defined fingers were slender but strong, and even better-looking than a girl's.

She gritted her teeth and bit down.

However, Sheng Yize's bones were too hard and her teeth hurt from the biting. She let go of his hand with distaste.

There was a little smile on Sheng Yize's face.

"Bite me and you'll have to take responsibility for me." He pretended to be a weakling.

An Xiaxia was speechless. "Hey! It was only one bite!"

"But it was painful and I'm hurt. You'll have to comfort me." A certain scheming guy demonstrated how cunning he could be and there was no limit to his shamelessness.

"You – you – you…" An Xiaxia was so shocked that all words failed her. "It was painful?"

She had only nibbed on it!