Christmas Ball (6)

That hit Su Xiaomo's soft spot and she almost burst into tears.

"F**k off! You imbecile! Shut up!" Su Xiaomo leapt up and kicked Nangong Jing to the floor.

Nangong Jing cried out and the paper bag flew out of his hand.

The gray scarf made a perfect arc in the air and landed right on He Jiayu's desk.

Su Xiaomo was dumbfounded while An Xiaxia's mouth fell open.

The teenager as gentle as an angel batted his eyelashes and looked up. He then picked up the scarf, put it back in the paper bag, rose to his feet, and strode over. He went up to Su Xiaomo and handed her the bag.

"One should always cherish a gift from a girl. However the scarf turns out, the one receiving the gift will see its significance." His smile was as warm as a spring breeze, which befuddled Su Xiaomo. She stood there, flustered.