Brother Yize is Leaving!

He Jiayu's genial expression was replaced by a wry smile. "Well… That was just gossip and I probably shouldn't have told you. Don't take it too seriously."

An Xiaxia nodded uneasily, trying to digest the huge amount of information she had just learned.

She had liked Rong Che for a reason.

Back in middle school, she had gone on an eating binge because of a condition and had gained quite a few pounds. She wasn't exactly a fatso, but her face had been chubby and she looked rounder than most of the girls her age.

During that time when being thin was the only standard of beauty, An Xiaxia had been laughed at a lot. Being a sensitive adolescent and reading all those melancholy novels at the time, she spent her days propped up on her elbows and looking up at the sky, determined to look like a distressed angel. (An Xiaxia: Damn it, leave my humiliating history out of this!)