Hidden Malice (2)

An Xiaxia moved away in disgust, but the man went after her. "Hey, little girl, why are you running away from me?"

Su Xiaomo smacked her chopsticks down on the table and commanded in her domineering manner, "Keep your dirty hands off her!"

The man stank of alcohol. Instead of backing off, he was enraged by their reactions. He lunged at them and tried to force himself onto the two girls.

"Hey! Waiter!" An Xiaxia called out. However, the waiters of the restaurant acted as if they were all deaf and ignored her cries for help.

She looked around. It wasn't peak time yet for dinner. Apart from them, the only other customers were several other men sitting around a table. Instead of offering to help, they were now grinning licentiously.

Su Xiaomo was infuriated. She bolted to her feet and took a flying kick. The man fell to the ground and covered his face as he cried in pain.