I Don't Need Your Pity (4)

The attached photo was an A4 sheet of paper with a line of words printed on it.

"An Xiaxia has willingly become the personal belonging of Qi Yanxi."

An Xiaxia's signature was at the bottom of the page.

Sheng Yize would never mistaken her handwriting.

He knew perfectly well that it could all be a misunderstanding, but it still irritated him.

Narrowing his eyes, he quietly followed them out.


Qi Yanxi wandered around like a headless fly. Shortly afterwards, he walked into the snack street nearby.

An Xiaxia followed him doggedly with the medkit in her arms. However, she bit her lip and was hesitant to go up to him.

After all, he seemed to be in such a foul mood… Awww, he wouldn't hit her, would he…

Qi Yanxi seemed to sense her. He paused all of a sudden and sat down at a stall.

The female shop owner greeted him enthusiastically. "Young man, what would you like?"