Only Dummies Like Candy

An Xiaxia thought, "… Was I just looked down on?"

Sheng Yize frowned. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Dearie Sheng seemed to be intimidated by him a lot. The boy pursed his lips and dared not say another word.

"I'll go cook us some dinner. You two, wait here." Sheng Yize gave his imperial decree and went into the kitchen.

Dearie Sheng put his suitcase — in the shape of a car — and his backpack in his room, then ran back to An Xiaxia and stared at her.

An Xiaxia was so flustered. She picked up the remote control and found the children's channel, hoping that the cartoons would draw the kid's attention away from her.

"Tch. Aren't you too old for childish cartoons like this?" Dearie Sheng sneered.

An Xiaxia chuckled bitterly while keeping her sarcasm to herself. "Why are people of the Sheng family so hard to please?!"