His Girl Has Shown Up (9)

Maybe he had brought in the cold air from outside, which disturbed An Xiaxia. Her long lashes quivered and she rubbed her eyes. When she saw that Sheng Yize had come back, she was dazed.

"Xiaxia…" He called her name quietly, gentler than ever. "Why were you crying?"

His mild tone made her feel like the most treasured thing in the world.

However, the moment An Xiaxia realized that he might have used the same gentle voice on another girl, she felt a twinge in her chest.

The long night of waiting, the pain in her ankle… Everything turned into grievances at that moment.

She tugged at his clothes and asked in a dejected voice, "Your childhood sweetheart has come back, hasn't she?"

Sheng Yize frowned. How did An Xiaxia know that?