If I Have to Choose, It Has to Be Her (1)

An Xiaxia smiled as well. "Miss Song, is all this acting really necessary? It looks really bad for you, putting up one face in front of Sheng Yize and becoming this whole different person when talking to me. Relationships can't be measured by the length of time. Whatever touching vows you two made back then, they were all in the past! I'm Sheng Yize's girlfriend now and we love each other very much! We're happy! If he chooses you, I'll leave myself. Save your crocodile tears!"

Song Qingchen changed her tone all of a sudden and said in a delightful voice, "Xiaxia, I was only joking. Why are you so serious?"

An Xiaxia was shocked.

"Teehee, you and Brother Ah Ze are so in love! I envy you so much!" The malice was all gone and Song Qingchen was now as lovely as an innocent girl.

An Xiaxia felt a chill creep up her spine. This Song Qingchen was such a terrifying person!

This woman was like a shapeshifter!