Blacky Sheng and Flower Qi (1)

Qi Yanxi swiftly jumped over the fence just as An Xiaxia got into the car after bidding the elderly couple farewell.

"Hey! Why are you going back?" Qi Yanxi was disgruntled.

He couldn't see her if she went back.

"It's Chinese New Year's Eve and I'm going back home to watch the New Year's Gala on TV!" An Xiaxia smiled. She then wrinkled her nose and asked, "Qi Yanxi, you're not lying to me, are you? What on earth is going on with Mu Li? I need to see her even more now that she's ill…"

"Visiting sick people during Chinese New Year will give you bad luck! She asked me to say hello for her and she said she'll hang out with you after she recovers!" Qi Yanxi lied his ass off with a calm face. "Let me drive you home."

The fellow that had been silent all this time sneered at Qi Yanxi's offer and gave him an aloof two-word reply. "Get lost."

"Damn you, Blacky Sheng!" Qi Yanxi gave Sheng Yize the finger.